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Building a company is easy until you find yourself not having enough clients to keep the operations going. If you find yourself in this situation and are thinking of building your own marketing team, then think again. Having an in-house marketing team is ideal but not practical, unlike outsourcing it with marketing agencies.


5 Reasons You Should Outsource Your Marketing

It takes more than 3 people to create an in-house marketing team, and you need to hire the experts if you want fast results. But this will cost you more money and will take a longer period of time compared with hiring marketing companies or advertising companies that are considered experts in the marketing field.

When you invest in your company, the percentage of capital money is mostly high in the marketing and sales area. This is due to the fact that they are the ones responsible for the company’s profit.  Investing on and hiring marketing agencies has plenty of benefits, some of them are:

1. Experience is Unquestionable

When you outsource to marketing companies you can guarantee that they know what they are doing. You can simply tell if they are effective when it comes to bringing the brand closer to its target audience. You may be wondering how you’ll be able to know about their past clients. All you need to do is to ask for their portfolio, look at their social media accounts, and try to talk at least one of their past clients.

The company portfolio will tell you the detailed list of every company and brand they have handled before. It must include past campaigns, ads, and marketing strategies that worked for the clients. Social media account of the advertising companies will give you more idea of who they are, how they do their marketing, what they can offer you and most importantly how people see them through the reviews section. If you are still not contented with the data you have gathered, you can always try to have a personal talk with their past clients. In this way, you will have better knowledge about their work ethics and such.

2. You Save Plenty of Time

A lot of time is needed when you want to have an in-house marketing team. You need to screen applicants, interview them, and have them complete a list of requirements when they get hired. The whole process will take so much of your time, instead of using it for creating a marketing plan. But this can be avoided when you decide to outsource with marketing companies.

You won’t waste time with screening applicants who do not fit your needs, because you are confident that these advertising companies are well knowledgeable and equipped. They work fast and have existing marketing strategies that they could pitch for your brand. It will be easier for you to decide and implement which ones will benefit you. Some agencies also have a money back guarantee for clients who are not satisfied with their services. Also, try to check out agencies that have active promotions for first time clients.

3. Expect Transparency with Analytics

Outsourced marketing companies know what their clients need by using analytics. They are able to target the interest of the people coming in and out of your company website and social media pages. They won’t present reports to you that have no supporting documents. This is the beauty of having an outsourced advertising agency.

You are assured that they know what they are doing. Most of the employees of marketing companies are also certified in different areas of marketing and digital marketing. They invest in making each member of the team experts in their area. If you want to know if their employees are certified, we recommend that you ask them for the certificates they have acquired. They will be as transparent as possible to have loyal clients.

4. Every Penny You Spent is Worth It

Hiring a fulltime team of marketing people will cost you a lot of money, but with agencies, the cost of one fulltime marketing specialist could be the cost for a whole package. You get to make a team work on your brand and deliver results as quickly as possible. Every penny of your budget for marketing is placed in the right place.

Most companies adjust their strategies and plans according to your budget. They will give you enough information about how the campaigns will flow and how it can target the right people. If your agency does not provide such information, then it could be a sign that you are working with the wrong team. Try to look for someone who will give you enough data and information to ensure that your money goes to the right places.

5. You Can Focus on Improving the Operations

As the owner of the company, your roles may vary. You put on different hats every now and then to keep the different areas of the company united. It is not an easy task to look after every corner of the office. But when you outsource some of your teams, you are giving yourself a chance to focus on other things such as getting more partnerships and investors.


The benefits stated above gives you a view of how a marketing agency can help not just your company, but also you, as the owner. Looking for the right agency for you will take a shorter time compared with hiring a team, and you can hire experts without spending much. All you have to do is make the proper screening, background check, and look for legal documents of the agency to make sure that you are working with a legitimate company. You may also ask for certifications, testimonials from previous clients, and sample marketing campaigns they have that they consider as their best achievements so far. If they are new in the industry, and you are willing to take that risk, make sure that they can offer you a money back guarantee if the marketing strategy does not convert into sales.